Atre Group is a leading Information Quality Management/Business Intelligence services and insights provider. With our proven methodologies and supporting Atre Business Intelligence Best Practices (ABIBP), Atre Group provides high-quality, cost-effective, end-to-end Information Quality Management and Business Intelligence consulting services that help its customers rapidly deploy metrics and solutions to measure and improve their business performance. Our training and consulting services are designed to ensure that our customers retain the learned knowledge and quickly become self-sufficient.
Our industry research analysis and insights are commonly published through a combination of syndicated columns on BI, data warehousing and knowledge management strategies. We frequently write special reports and publicationson key development topics, marketing research and vendor strategies. Delivering both live and online content, our analysts regularly provide keynotes at industry events, as well as contribute to webzines, columns and special publishing projects including the Data Warehouse Navigator and the Business Intelligence Navigator.
We have recently refined our offerings to focus on a new service that we call eXtreme Information Quality ManagementTM (xIQMTM), which includes the process and support structures required to effectively manage all facets of information. The xIQM focus is on delivering quality information to the right people, at the right time. It mandates a comprehensive approach to managing information that addresses all related areas: BI, DW, MDM, DG, EPM, etc. Properly managing data is a foundation for xIQM, which also demands that data architecture is developed and actively managed. The term “eXtreme” reflects that our approach to managing information quality utilizes many of the same concepts included in Extreme Programming (frequent releases, timeboxing, iterative development, user interaction, management collaboration, etc.).
Atre Groupwas founded in 1992 by Shaku Atre, and has grown to be a leading provider of Business Intelligence (BI) insights, solutions, consulting, and training. Shaku Atre is widely recognized as a thought leader in information management, most recently in the BI space. She is widely published, having authored 7 books and over 400 articles in trade publications and regularly speaks at conferences throughout the world.